TTouch Taster
Learn TTouch to calm your dog!
Tellington TTouch Training or TTouch is a holistic training method that promotes calmness, confidence and resilience. This short TTouch Taster course will introduce you to the main elements of TTouch: observation, body work, wraps and groundwork.
You will get:
- 5 video lessons, one a day for 5 days
- An introduction to the key elements of TTouch: observation, body work, wraps, ground work
- Learn techniques that you can use straight away to help your dog
- Ideal for calming and improving balance and coordination.
- Your questions answered.
- A special bonus when you complete day 5!
- Ongoing tips, information and free videos via email (unsubscribe at any time)
What people are saying about the TTouch Taster:
Just a note to let you know how much I am enjoying your 5-lesson TTouch videos [course]. I'm on Lesson 2 and am already amazed at how much information you pack into a short time period. I find your videos extremely well thought out, they are accessible and clear and, because your presentation is so organized, I find things are landing in a way that sticks with me. Carole Orr, Canada
Thank you Janet for this wonderful taster on how TTouch works. I have really enjoyed it and I am interested on any other courses you have. Thank you! Karen P.
This has been a useful and interesting introduction (and very well put together; your on-line teaching skills shine through!). Belinda W.
Remember - the course is free so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I look forward to working with you.